[BREAKING NEWS] Florida Man At The End of His Rope Went...
"From Sleeping Behind A Dumpster To Earning Multiple 7 Figures Online!"

And Now You Can Copy His Exact System
No Matter How Little Experience You Have,
or How Many Times You've Failed Before!
Hi, I'm Omar.
You'll be shocked at why I'm
starting off with this pic:

I took that picture behind a local business and I want you to look closely at the background. See those 3 dumpsters? Thats where I used to sleep.
True story… My wife and I built our dream home on 4 acres of land in Orlando Florida. Since I’m a patriot I installed a 25 foot flagpole right along side my 250 foot driveway. Sounds cocky right? It gets better…
I hired an electrician to install 3 special LED spotlights that point up at the flag. He recommemnded I buy some heavy duty lights from an electrical distributor on Hanging Moss Road.
The address sounded familiar when I googled the place but when I pulled up I was in SHOCK.
This was the location where I first met my wife! This place used to be a marketing company and she hired me over 16 years ago! The interesting thing is that I was literally homeless at the time.
I was living out of my car so I would park behind the building next to those dumpsters and sleep. I ordered my lights and told the manager the story, he let me drive around back and snap that quick pic.
Melinda and I have been through a lot, as I’m sure you have in your own life. For me it's still sounds weird when I say I'm a millionaire.
I used to be a paramedic for the NYC Fire Department.
Everything changed for me after September 11th, 2001.

I came down to Florida and got a door to door sales job.
I know! What the hell was I thinking right? Such a radical change from an EMS career. Well to tell you the truth, I mostly just stayed because of the cute chic that interviewed me. #justkeepinitreal
I worked real hard and got good at it and eventually Melinda and I got married and got “real jobs”.
By 2006 we were flat broke with a mortgage, 2 cars and a dog named Romeo so I turned to the internet for extra cash and frankly, it kicked my ass.
I did everything wrong. I THOUGHT I was building a business but I was stuck in a rut. I was just buying stuff and clogging up my hard drive.
I would buy every freaking new product launch and I was constanly shifting gears. I sat at my computer every night and practically started over again and again.
It took me a year and a half to figure out that what I needed was right in front of my face all along.
I was too stubborn to that see that I’d been getting in my own damn way.
It All Came Down To These 4 Vital Things:

A constant stream of targeted action takers to all of your websites.

A large, responsive database of highly engaged subscribers.

Repeatedly turning prospects into action takers on command.

Duplication and automation systems for growing your business.
Now listen, you may be trying to make money online and perhaps you THINK you’re doing it right but if you aren’t getting the results you want, if you are not making the money you want, then I PROMISE you that you’re doing these wrong in one way or another.
Melinda and I started focusing in these key areas and things turned around. We got better and better. NOT INSTANTLY.
It took time… after a year and a half I was able to quit my sales manager job at the Pest Control company and shortly after that Melinda quit her job too.
As the months passed we got better and better.
- We focused on the RIGHT WAYS to drive TRAFFIC which finally brought in targeted buyers.
- We created repeatable systems and checklists that helped us grow a responsive SUBSCRIBER LIST.
- We mastered the sneaky techniques of CONVERTING people into action takers on all sorts of web pages.
- And once we got this all down pat, we duplicated it over and over again to SCALE UP the business.
Fast forward to now and we have a 7 figure online business. We have multiple streams of income now, 6 main ones actually and here's the kind of results we've been getting NOW, with just FOUR of our income streams.
This is our vendor income from JVZoo alone:

This is our affiliate income from JVZoo alone:

We also generate quite a bit of money from webinars and by teaching these strategies now. I speak on stages all over the world and I charge thousands of dollars per day for private coaching and consulting.
As a matter of fact,one of our clients is a company you may have heard of called JVZoo! They flew us in to coach their technical team on some marketing strategies.
When I asked Chad Casselman (CTO and co-owner of JVZoo) why they chose Melinda and I out of all their users he said “Omar… you may not be the biggest sellers but you and Melinda are one of the most consistent on the platform.”

We are blessed to have come so far from such humble beginnings. Now we are in a position to teach others and if YOU are stuck like we once were then your life is about to change.
We’ve been at it for years and it didn’t come easy so don’t think I’ve got some magic fairy dust to sell you here cause I don’t... but ...what I do have is the 4 key’s to injecting some LIFE back into your internet marketing dreams!
If you’re a good student, if you’re willing to listen and you’re ready to get out of your own way then the IMClinic is EXACTLY what you need. I know it is.
Introducing :
The Internet Marketing Clinic

Will Get You Un-Stuck!
The IMC is a series of 4 comprehensive online lessons created for Internet Marketers that are stuck in an unproductive rut. Each clinic is taught personally by Omar and Melinda Martin who cover EXACTLY what keeps most marketers from getting ahead. They will attack the issues head on and show you the simple practical and repeatable solutions THEY have personally used for Traffic, List Building, Conversion and Scaling.
This isn't a bunch of regurgitated hyped up theory. These are actionable lessons that include both practical demonstrations along with the didactic training on the fastest and most reliable methods that are used to succeed in these areas today. The class recordings are available in the members area along with verbatim PDF transcripts and other accompanying material. Each module includes additional study material including slides and checklists.
"I'm always brutally honest and this clinic was amazing. The material was awesome and Omar presents it like no other! He went over how to correctly do 4 MUST HAVE things that lead you directly to the money. Very eye opening and professionally presented! I realize my online business cannot afford to be without these elements, please do yourself a favor and watch it! He has an ingenious way of schooling that is down to earth, funny, witty and he kept me inspired. He put his heart and soul into the presentation."
- Will Golding, VIP Member
"I attended the IM Clinic and watched the replay, there was so much useful information in that one webinar alone. Mastering those four core topics is the most essential thing to do for your online business, and this training can be used for ANY online business. Omar and Melinda have really hit the nail on the head with this training. This was one of the best in-depth training sessions I've ever been on. Top work."
- Sarah McLeod, VIP Member
Here's A Closer Look At The Clinics
Traffic Driving Clinic

- The 3 most effective ways you can get traffic that will WANT to buy. (This will practically guarantee that you always have a stream of targeted buyers.)
- The fastest way to get clicks and start seeing measurable results. (You'll save precious time and countless headaches with this one method.)
- The "poor mans guide" to paid traffic (You'll finally learn some easy and cost effective ways to tap into PPC)
- Tactful ways to get other marketers to send you their buyers (This one has been staring you in the face and you won't believe how easy it is. )

List Building Clinic

- A fool-proof viral strategy that builds your lists on autopilot (You're finally going to leverage the REAL power of attraction to get new leads.)
- Social media list tactics that'll make you wanna slap the person next to you. (These are so easy to do that you can get your whole family involved.)
- The 7 guaranteed ways to increase your opt-in rates and delivery rates (These are PURE GOLD and we can probably make a whole course on them.)
- Emailing tricks and strategies that actually GROW your list (You've probably been scared shitless of this one and I'm gonna show you how EASY and profitable it is.)
Conversion Clinic

- The four hypnotic factors that practically FORCE people to buy. (Now you'll be able to get people to take action FAST and create repeat loyal customers.)
- High performance AFFILIATE conversion tactics that bank over $700 daily. (You've been leaving so many commissions on the table and we're gonna show you how to snatch'em up.)
- Our 5 secret backend methods for converting low ticket buyers into $10k, $18k, and even $32k customers (Now you'll be tapping into the BIG ticket sales that are made behind the scenes.)
- And many more conversion tips used by experts to create repeat business!

Scaling Clinic

- Time saving way to grow the sales side of your business with a FREE app. (This is our secreat weapon for quickly repeating succesful campaigns over and over!)
- The keys to managing big projects without losing your mind (When you learn this method you'll be able to build multiple products and launches at one time!)
- The exact tools that can automate your income on a shoestring budget. (Take a look behind the curtain and see the time saving and duplication tools and plugins we use ourselves!)
- The trick to winning bigger and bigger launch contests and making evergreen commissions (This one will OPEN YOUR EYES and make you re-think your whole affiliate game!)

100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee
This product comes with a risk free 100% money back guarantee. We are confident that you’ll love the training but if you change your mind for any reason just let us know within the first 30 days from purchase and we will refund you 100%. No hoops to jump through, No gimmicks, No Bull Crap.
Finally Master The 4 Critical Things
That Have Been Holding You Back...
It's Time To TAKE ACTION & Join The IM Clinic!

Omar & Melinda I Want To Master These 4 Vital Parts Of My Online Business
- YES! I've had enough of working hard for little or no money & I want to finally break through to the big time!
- YES! I want you to show me EXACTLY what to do so I can get out of my rut and make REAL money.
- YES! I want to be part of these four VITAL online clinics and have full access to the members area.
- YES! Please give me the bonus training courses that are crucial to my online business!
- YES! I understand that YOU will shoulder all the risk for me so I can join today with confidence!
There is no risk whatsoever and I should join the IM Clinic RIGHT NOW for just the small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of only $197
I have a FULL 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, and nobody is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.
Risk Free
Limited Time Offer

Frequently Asked Questions
Q.Will I be able to use this as a complete newbie?
A.YES! As long as you can get on the Internet, then Internet Marketing Clinic can work for you, if you follow the step-by-step instructions.
Q.Will I need to spend money to make this work?
A.YES! Any serious business needs some level of investment in the proper tools and resources. However, we show how you can keep your costs as low as possible and still reach your goals.
Q.Does this work for any niche?
A.YES! The skills and techniques taught in Internet Marketing Clinic can be used for any online business, regardless of the niche.
Q.What if I need help or have questions?
A.When you join the Internet Marketing Clinic, you become a part of a larger community full of members at all levels. There is never a shortage of help. And our superstar support team is always available to help you with accessing your course.
Q.I don't get it. Why so much value for such a little price? What's the real catch?
A.We are doing this because we remember what it’s like to be a newbie looking for the truth. There is only one catch. Internet Marketing Clinic is not some push button, get rich quick scheme. You will learn to build a real business the right way. That takes work and commitment.
Q.How do I get instant access?
A.Just click the order button and once your order is complete, you will receive the access details to Internet Marketing Clinic in your inbox immediately. Just log into the site with your access details and start learning right away.

Here's What You Get When You Join Today:
- VIP Access To All Four (4) Internet Marketing Clinics
- Downloadable PDF Transcription Of Each IM Clinic
- Downloadable Video Version Of Each IM Clinic
- World Class VIP Support Via The HLS HelpDesk
ACT NOW - This Discounted Offer Expires Soon!
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Omar Martin, CMO
Higher Level Strategies, Inc.
Omar Martin
100% Risk Free
30 Day Guarantee
We stand behind our products and customers 100%. Our main focus is to do everything in our power to make your experience delightful and your business profitable.

Melinda Martin, CEO
Higher Level Strategies, Inc.
Melinda Martin
A Team With A Rock Solid Reputation